BBC Hindi

BBC Hindi

BBC Hindi is the British Broadcasting Corporation’s (BBC) Hindi-language service. It caters to the Hindi-speaking audience by providing news, analysis, and features on a variety of topics such as current affairs, politics, business, sports, entertainment, and culture. It was founded on May 11, 1940, and has been a reliable source of news and information for Hindi-speaking audiences in India and around the world ever since. It aims to provide impartial and accurate reporting while adhering to the BBC’s journalistic standards.

This Hindi-language radio station provides news articles, video content, podcasts, and interactive features. It covers a wide range of topics and includes contributions from Indian and international journalists and correspondents.

Its official website is –

BBC Hindi – Programs

This radio station broadcasts radio programs such as news bulletins, current affairs debates, and cultural programs. These programs can be heard on various radio frequencies throughout the country or via online streaming. Documentaries covering important national and international stories are also shown here.

Overall, this radio station plays an important role in providing news and information to the Hindi-speaking audience, both within India and around the world, helping to improve understanding of global events and promoting the principles of independent journalism.

BBC Hindi – Aim

This radio station’s mission is to provide news and information to Hindi-speaking audiences all over the world. It is the British Broadcasting Corporation’s (BBC) Hindi language service, one of the world’s largest and most respected media organizations.

It strives to provide accurate, unbiased, and comprehensive news coverage on a wide range of topics, including politics, current events, business, technology, entertainment, sports, and more. The service strives to uphold the BBC’s editorial values of independence, accuracy, and fairness, while also providing its audience with analysis, in-depth reporting, and diverse perspectives.


Country: India

Genre: News, Indian

Language: Hindi and English

BBC Hindi

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