LEA Radio

LEA Radio

LEA Radio is a popular Liberian radio station that broadcasts a wide range of programming, including news, talk shows, and folk music. It is one of the most popular 24-hour radio stations in Liberia. It serves as a platform for information dissemination, entertainment, and cultural expression, catering to a diverse audience across the country. This station’s folk music programming adds a touch of cultural authenticity while also celebrating the country’s artistic traditions.

LEA Radio official website is – www.liberianentertainmentawards.com/

LEA Radio Programs

The news is an important part of the programming on this radio station. This station strives to keep listeners up to date on local, national, and international events. Their news segments cover a wide range of topics, including politics, economics, social issues, health, and sports. It only broadcasts in English.

In addition to news, this radio station broadcasts a variety of talk shows that engage listeners in discussions and debates on a variety of topics. Experts, intellectuals, and influential figures from various fields are frequently invited to share their insights and perspectives on these shows. Politics, current events, social issues, education, and other topics may be discussed on talk shows.

Furthermore, by featuring folk music on its platform, this station honors Liberia’s cultural heritage. Folk music has a special place in Liberian culture, reflecting the people’s traditions, history, and stories.

LEA Radio Aim

This radio station’s goal is to provide accurate and up-to-date information, keeping the public informed about significant developments in Liberia and beyond. This station combines news, talk shows, and folk music to create an interesting and diverse listening experience. This station plays an important role in Liberia’s media landscape by providing informative content, fostering meaningful discussions, and promoting cultural expression.


Country: Liberia

Genre: news, talk, folk

Language: English

LEA Radio
LEA Radio
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Contact Details

  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LEARadio/
  • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/learadio/?hl=en