Radio Taplejung

Radio Taplejung

Radio Taplejung, is located in the gorgeous valley of Taplejung in Nepal. It is a vibrant and necessary source of information and entertainment for the local people. This radio station provides a comprehensive range of programming, including news, talk shows, and folk music, to cater to the diverse interests and tastes of its listeners. It is more than just a radio station; it is a reflection of Taplejung’s lively culture and community spirit.

Radio Taplejung official website –

Radio Taplejung Programs

This radio station is critical in informing the local populace about current events and significant news from the region and the rest of the world. It gives up-to-date news updates on a variety of themes, including local politics, social issues, health, education, and more. Through its talk shows, it provides a forum for lively debates and dialogues. These seminars bring together specialists, community leaders, and regular residents to debate urgent issues affecting the local community.

One of the radio station’s most distinctive and beloved features is its commitment to maintaining and promoting the region’s rich cultural history. The station frequently plays folk music and traditional tunes that are deeply ingrained in the local culture. These segments not only entertain but also serve as a means of preserving the cultural identity of Taplejung.

Radio Taplejung Aim

This radio station actively connects with the community in addition to its programming. It plans events, transmits live coverage of local festivals, and works with community organizations to promote social and cultural activities. This active participation in community issues strengthens the station’s connection with its viewers and promotes a sense of belonging and pride within the local community. It serves as a unifying force in the region, keeping people informed, involved, and proud of their cultural heritage through its news, conversation shows, and folk music.


Country: Nepal

Genre: news, talk, folk

Language: Nepali

Phone: +024460598


Radio Taplejung

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