Mega FM

Mega FM

Mega FM from France is a vibrant radio station that brings the latest and greatest in pop and hit music to its listeners. From catchy tunes to chart-topping hits, the station curates a playlist that keeps its audience grooving all day long.

Its official website –

Mega FM Programs

With an emphasis on popular tunes and chart-topping hits, the station caters to a wide audience, aiming to keep listeners entertained and connected to the latest trends in the music industry. Whether you’re looking to dance to the rhythm of the latest pop sensation or sing along to your favorite chart-toppers, it delivers a high-energy listening experience that’s bound to lift your spirits. With a finger on the pulse of the music scene, it ensures that its listeners are always up-to-date with the hottest tracks and artists dominating the charts.

Mega FM Aim

It aims to deliver a vibrant and engaging listening experience by providing a curated selection of pop music and hit songs. Whether it’s the latest chart-toppers or timeless classics, it strives to create a dynamic playlist that appeals to diverse musical tastes, making it a go-to destination for music enthusiasts across France and beyond. So tune in, turn up the volume, and let the station be your soundtrack to the day!


Country: France

Genre: pop, hits

Language: French

Mega FM