Listen Radio Bio Bio, A Chilean Radio Institution!

Radio Bio Bio is the most popular online radio broadcasting from Santiago, Santiago Metropolitan, Chile.

It broadcasts news, sports, entertainment, and opinion programs. This is the largest radio network in Chile, covering 98{60297c3c1f31c932e6d9e222881b19d68abc8a6c613ff5fa51397582320704f4} of the population with 43 stations, eight of them being press centric. This is also the only radio station from Chile that does not belong to any political, religious, or economic group. It’s free of partiality towards any specific group or party. Listeners can expect authentic and unbiased radio programs from Bio Bio. Its exclusive concern is you: each of its listeners.


In 1966, Nibaldo Mosciatti Moena and his spouse Laura Ortega established Radio Bio Bio. It began transmission from a small studio located in Los Ángeles, a city situated in the Biobío area. The station was initially called Radio Los Ángeles, and it focused on local news and culture. After rebranding as Radio Bío Bío in 1979, it began to expand its coverage to other regions of the country. Today listeners from across the globe can tune and enjoy its shows.


Radio Bio Bio takes pride in its diverse array of programs designed to cater to the unique interests and needs of its audience.

Some of the programs the radio offers are:

  • Expreso Bío Bío: This is the morning show that covers the main topics of the day. Its full of interviews, analysis, and debate. Nibaldo Mosciatti and Katherine Cubillos hosts the show.
  • Podría ser peor: The midday show featuring humor, music, and conversation. It is hosted by Julio César Rodríguez and Rayén Araya.
  • Palabra que es noticia: It’s basically the afternoon program. Presents latest news, with commentary and interviews. It is hosted by Ángeles Araya and Patricio Cuevas.
  • La noche es nuestra: A late-night show that entertains the listeners with games, trivia, and stories. It is hosted by Cristián “Chico” Pérez and Pamela Díaz.


Radio Bio Bio has several presenters, including director and anchor Tomás Mosciatti. Also, popular TV and radio host Katherine Salosny, journalist and writer Fernando Paulsen, and journalist and academic Cecilia Rovaretti. Mosciatti is famous for his critical analysis of Chilean political and social issues. On the other hand, Salosny hosts “Mujeres” on gender, health, and lifestyle topics. And Paulsen hosts “La Ventana” and “Radiograma”.


Radio Bio Bio has had a significant impact and popularity in Chile, especially during times of crisis and social unrest. For example, during the 2010 earthquake and tsunami that affected the country, Bio Bio was one of the few media outlets that remained on air. Provided vital information and assistance to the affected population. Similarly, during the 2019 social protests that demanded political and economic reforms, Bio Bio was one of the most listened and trusted sources of news and opinion, with an average audience share of 18.9{60297c3c1f31c932e6d9e222881b19d68abc8a6c613ff5fa51397582320704f4}.

Radio Bío-Bío is one of the most popular radio stations in Chile. The station has over 5 million listeners nationwide. The station has been providing listeners with high-quality news, sports, music, and talk programming for over 50 years.



FaceBook: RadioBioBio

Twitter: @biobio

Wikipedia: RadioBioBio

Language: Spanish

Contact Number: +56 800 810 810

WhatsApp: +56981492444

Address: Antonio Bellet 281, Providencia, Santiago.

Frequency: 99.7 FM

Radio Bio Bio