Listen to Radio Balkan EU: The Voice of the Balkans in Europe!
Radio Balkan EU is an online radio station that broadcasts music and news from the Balkans to the European diaspora. Initially, the radio started as a hobby by its founders. Soon it became a popular radio station that connects people from different countries and cultures, sharing a common heritage and language.
Radio Balkan EU was launched in 2019 as a hobby project by Samir and Jasmina. They wanted to share their love for Balkan music with their friends and family. They bought a simple radio server and a website domain, and started broadcasting from their home in Vienna. Soon they realized that there was a huge demand for such a radio station among the Balkan diaspora in Europe. They wanted to listen to their favorite music and stay connected with their roots. Because of this, they decided to expand the radio’s team and service. DJs and presenters, from different countries and backgrounds, joined the radio. Samir and Jasmina also upgraded the radio’s server and website. This added more features and functions. Today, Radio Balkan EU is one of the most popular online radio stations among the Balkan diaspora in Europe. Thousands of listeners tunes the radio every day.
Radio Balkan EU offers various programs to cater to every listeners’ preferences and interests. The flagship show, Samir i Jasmina, hosts the best Balkan music, while the Balkan Top 10 counts the most requested songs. Balkan Mix mixes different Balkan music genres, while Balkan News covers the latest news and events affecting the diaspora community. Balkan Talk invites experts, celebrities, and ordinary people to discuss issues related to the Balkans, such as politics, culture, history, sports, and entertainment.
Radio Balkan EU’s presenters are experienced professionals. Passionate about the Western Balkans, providing insights into its history, culture, music, and current affairs to listeners.
The co-founders and main presenters are Samir and Jasmina from Bosnia and Herzegovina, but lives in Austria. Davor, a presenter who hosts the show “Balkan Mix”. He is from Croatia, but lives in Germany. He loves mixing different genres of music from the Balkans. Seka, a Serbian-Swiss presenter, hosts the show “Balkan Top 10,” counting down popular songs on the radio. Sasa, a Macedonian-French presenter, reports on the latest news from the Balkans and the world. Finally, Anid, a Montenegrin-Italian presenter, hosts the show “Balkan Talk,” where he invites guests to discuss various Balkan-related topics.
Radio Balkan EU aims to represent the Balkans in Europe, promoting their culture, values, and identity. It fosters mutual understanding and respect among nations and communities, while supporting the Balkan diaspora in Europe through information, entertainment, education, music, and social services.
Community Responsibility:
Radio Balkan EU has a positive impact on its listeners and society by providing entertainment, connecting them with their homeland and culture, and providing education about the history, culture, and traditions of the Balkans. The radio offers music and content that reflect their identity and values, creating a sense of community among the Balkan diaspora in Europe. It also educates listeners about current affairs and issues affecting them as European citizens by providing objective and reliable information. Additionally, the radio inspires listeners to achieve their goals and dreams by sharing stories of successful Balkans individuals and promoting pride in their heritage.
Radio Balkan EU is a popular online radio station in the Balkan diaspora, with thousands of listeners daily. It has received positive feedback from listeners, media personalities, and won numerous awards for its exceptional shows. Listeners praise the quality of music, presenter’s professionalism, and overall service. The radio has been featured in various media outlets, including The Guardian, Online Radio Box, and UzivoRadio.NET. It has also won awards for excellence in programs.
FaceBook: RadioBEUcom
Language: Croatian